Mariánské Lázně is the youngest but the second largest resort in the so-called “spa triangle” of the Czech Republic. Mariánské Lázně is 48 km south-west of Karlovy Vary and is situate at a height of 630 m above the sea level.
Almost all the houses and resorts are built in the style of the New Italian Renaissance. The resort is surrounded by forests with numerous tourist paths leading to many various interesting places and monuments.
Mineral springs have been known here in the 16th century. The resort was granted the city status in 1866.
The historic center of the city consisting of resorts, hotels and hospitals is concentrated around the charming colonnade dating back to the year of 1889. The city has about 40 healing springs giving a positive effect in the treatment of disorders of metabolism.
Mariánské Lázně is a resort town that specializes in the diseases and maladies of kidneys, urinary tract, musculoskeletal system as well as neurological disorders of the respiratory tract and metabolic, endocrine and oncological diseases.
No other resort in the world has such a wide range of healing springs. In contrast to the Carlsbad springs, the springs of Mariánské Lázně are cold shallow waters. There are 40 springs located in the city and about 100 ones in the vicinity.
All the springs are cold acidulous mineral waters with a temperature varying between 7-10 ° C with medium/high degree of water mineralization and relatively high iron content. The chemical composition of the water springs is mainly of three types: alkalic- salty with Glauber’s salt; carbonic-ferrous; and simple acidic water. These waters are used for drinking, inhalations and baths.
Fields of curative mud located nearby the resort and a spring of natural carbon dioxide (Maria’s Gas) are also used for the treatment and rehabilitation.
Treatment indications
– Kidney and Urinary Tract diseases: cystolithiasis; urolithiasis; post-operative condition of kidneys, ureter, and prostate; chronic non-specific inflammation of the kidneys and ureter; pyelonephritis; chronic prostatitis; urethritis; prostatovesiculitis; artificial kidney; the only kidney; condition after kidney transplantation
– Respiratory diseases: asthma; chronic bronchitis; chronic diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract including chronic pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, rhinitis; allergic diseases of the respiratory tract including rhinitis; post-operative treatment of upper and lower respiratory tract and lungs in the compensation stage; state after repeated non-tubercular inflammation of lungs; the consequences of respiratory tract damages (injured by corrosive irritants).
– Metabolic disorders: gout; type 2 diabetes; lipid metabolism disorders; obesity; constipations.
– Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: vertebral pain syndrome; a painful condition of the muscles, tendons, joints and spine; post-traumatic conditions; teenage scoliosis; conditions after surgeries of the spine and joints; orthopedic treatment after hips transplantation; deformed arthrosis; purulent arthritis; deterioration of spine and joints; rheumatic joints.
– Diseases of the central nervous system: root syndromes; child cerebral palsy; cerebral palsy; multiple sclerosis.
– Gynecological diseases: inflammation and chronic diseases of external and internal genitals; hypoplasia of internal genital organs; primary and secondary menstrual disorders; conditions after operations of genitals; ovarian dysfunction; treatment after radiation of sexual organs; primary and secondary infertility; menopausal disorders.
– Treatment after oncological surgeries: rehabilitation of women after breast cancer/genitals surgery; rehabilitation after other oncological treatments, with the exception of blood disorders, anemia, health-building and anti-stress programs; geriatric program.
– All diseases during the period exasperation (exacerbation);
– Infectious diseases (especially typhoid fever and paratyphoid);
– Tuberculosis;
– Poor circulation;
– State after deep vein thrombosis;
– Frequent bleeding;
– Conditions after superficial thrombophlebitis;
– Labile and decompensated diabetes;
– Malignant tumors;
– Total weight loss and loss of strength (cachexia);
– Epilepsy;
– Pregnancy;
– Hemophilia.